El Comandante de las FARC. Iván Márquez (izquierda, ofrece declaraciones a su llegada al Palacio de Convenciones en La Habana para reiniciar las negociaciones de paz con el gobierno de Colombia. Al centro el Comandante Pablo Catatumbo, y a la derecha el Comandante Rodrigo Granda. (Foto Diario Co Latino/AFP/Yamil Lage)


The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) leftist guerrillas Commander Ivan Marquez (L) delivers a speech next to Commander Pablo Catatumbo (C) and Commander Rodrigo Granda upon arrival at the Conventions Palace in Havana for peace talks with the Colombian government, stuff on January 13, 2014. Peace talks between the Colombian government and the FARC rebels resume in Cuba after a three-week break over the holidays. AFP PHOTO/YAMIL LAGE

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